Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Critical Engagement with Ethics, Evaluation and Engagement Protocols in Arctic Research



Dr. Anne Chahine

Research Associate
Future Arctic research will be guided by a research framework based on the principles of co-creation, research ethics, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Future Arctic research will be guided by a research framework based on the principles of co-creation, research ethics, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This project critically engages with the application and evaluation of ethics and engagements protocols in Arctic research as part of an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary European Union Horizon Europe project. A specific focus is put on advancing methods for the continuous evaluation of research collaborations that build on diverse knowledge systems and apply co-creative/co-productive methods and methodologies.

ICEBERG: Innovative Community Engagement in the Arctic

The EU-funded project "ICEBERG Innovative Community Engagement for Building Effective Resilience and Arctic-Ocean Pollution-Control Governance in the context of Climate Change" has a two-fold aim: to comprehensively assess sources, types, distributions, and impacts of pollution in combination with chronic climate-induced stressors on ecosystems and communities in the European Arctic's land-ocean continuum using a One Health approach, and to develop strategies for enhancing community-led resilience, as well as pollution-control governance.

Co-Creation, Ethics, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

RIFS researchers are taking part in ICEBERG'S Work Package 4 "Co-Creation, Ethics, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion", which aims to develop an overarching framework - guidelines, standards, recommendations, and protocols - around the principles of co-creation, research ethics, diversity, equity, and inclusion in research. WP4 is led by Women of the Arctic Finland and will be executed in collaboration with the University of Oulu, the University of Lapland, Barcelona Supercomputing Center Spain, and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Germany. WP4 is divided into five tasks, one of which will be conducted at the RIFS: "WP4.2 Ethics and Evaluation" (lead: Anne S. Chahine, RIFS).

Ethics and Evaluation

This task is focused on finding ways for continuous evaluation and explicit engagement with research ethics throughout the duration of the project to support the development and application of co-creative and collaborative methods across all other Work Packages. RIFS researchers will provide feedback throughout the project in order to facilitate adjustments to the project design, promote ethical and context-appropriate research practices and meaningful outputs, and contribute to knowledge co-creation and evaluation literatures.

Funding information

The ICEBERG project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101135130.



Dr. Anne Chahine

Research Associate
Scientific Project Leader
Nina Döring

Dr. Nina Döring

Research Group Leader
Senior Research Associate
Prof. Dr. Mark Lawrence

Prof. Dr. Mark Lawrence

Scientific Director
Scientific Director
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