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Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ
Affiliated Scholars
Maria Apergi
Dr. Maria Apergi
Affiliate Scholar
© IASS/Lotte Ostermann
Affiliate Scholar
Blog Posts
Fostering Energy Transitions in the Global South: Insights from Chile, Jordan, Malaysia, and Kenya
Seeking Optimism in the Off-Grid Renewable Energy Sector – What Key Stakeholders Say
Realising the Transformative Potential of Decentralised Renewable Energy in Emergency Response
zum Blog
to the Blog Posts
Selected Publications
Publications at the RIFS
Journal articles
Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Goldthau, A., Kurniawan, J., Schuch, E., & Weko, S. (2024). Pathways to a sustainable electricity sector in Kenya: Challenges and transformational factors. Utilities Policy, 91: 101854. doi:10.1016/j.jup.2024.101854.
Schuch, E., Apergi, M., Chow, D. Y. K., Eicke, L., Goldthau, A., Kurniawan, J., Lima-de-Oliveira, R., Tan, Z. G., & Weko, S. (2024). Breaking the carbon lock-in: Identifying pathways for Malaysia towards a low-carbon future. Technological forecasting and social change: an international journal, 202: 123331. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123331.
Journal articles
Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Goldthau, A., Hashem, M., Huneeus, S., Lima de Oliveira, R., Otieno, M., Schuch, E., & Veit, K. (2024). An energy justice index for the energy transition in the global South. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 192: 114238. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2023.114238.
Schmidt, L., Apergi, M., Eicke, L., & Weko, S. (2024). Who believes in green growth? Strategic framing and technology leadership in the UNFCCC negotiations. Climate policy, 24(2), 177-192. doi:10.1080/14693062.2023.2248061.
Eicke, L., Apergi, M., Goldthau, A., Kurniawan, J., Schuch, E., & Weko, S. (2023). Resource exporter or R&D champion? Leverage points and transition pathways for the Chilean energy sector. Energy for sustainable development, 76: 101257. doi:10.1016/j.esd.2023.101257.
Apergi, M., Zimmermann, E., Weko, S., & Lilliestam, J. (2023). Is renewable energy technology trade more or less conflictive than other trade? Energy policy, 177: 113538. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113538.
RIFS Series
Hermann, J., Weko, S., Marian, A., Apergi, M., & Eicke, L. (2023). Creating a Climate-Just Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. RIFS Policy Brief, 2023(2).
Journal articles
Kurniawan, J., Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Goldthau, A., Lazurko, A., Nordemann, E., Schuch, E., Sharma, A., Siddhantakar, N., Veit, K., & Weko, S. (2022). Towards participatory cross-impact balance analysis: Leveraging morphological analysis for data collection in energy transition scenario workshops. Energy research & social science, 93: 102815. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2022.102815.
RIFS Series
Weko, S., Hermann, J., Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Goldthau, A., Kurniawan, J., & Schuch, E. (2022). Accelerating the Jordanian Energy Transition. IASS Policy Brief, 2022(6).
Apergi, M., Hermann, J., Eicke, L., Goldthau, A., Kurniawan, J., Schuch, E., & Weko, S. (2022). Fostering a Sustainable and Secure Energy Supply for Kenya. IASS Policy Brief, 2022(7).
Hermann, J., Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Goldthau, A., Kurniawan, J., Lima-de-Oliveira, R., Schuch, E., & Weko, S. (2022). Unlocking a Low-Carbon Future for Malaysia. IASS Policy Brief, 2022(5).
Media articles, blog posts
Hermann, J., Apergi, M., Goldthau, A., Weko, S., Schuch, E., & Eicke, L. (2022). Fostering Energy Transitions in the Global South: Insights from Chile, Jordan, Malaysia, and Kenya. IASS Blog, 20.12.2022.
Weko, S., & Apergi, M. (2022). Addressing the Climate Justice Implication of the EU CBAM. Alternative Policy Solutions, 03.08.2022.
Journal articles
Eicke, L., Weko, S., Apergi, M., & Marian, A. (2021). Pulling up the carbon ladder? Decarbonization, dependence, and third-country risks from the European carbon border adjustment mechanism. Energy Research and Social Science, 80: 102240. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2021.102240.
RIFS Series
Holovko, I., Marian, A., & Apergi, M. (2021). The Role of the EU CBAM in Raising Climate Policy Ambition in Trade Partners. The case of Ukraine. IASS Study, October 2021.
Weko, S., Eicke, L., Marian, A., & Apergi, M. (2021). Die globalen Auswirkungen eines CO2-Grenzausgleichs der EU. IASS Policy Brief, 2021(2).
Media articles, blog posts
Apergi, M., Realpe Carrillo, N., & Raasch, G. (2021). Seeking Optimism in the Off-Grid Renewable Energy Sector - What Key Stakeholders Say. IASS Blog, 30.10.2021.
RIFS Series
Weko, S., Eicke, L., Marian, A., & Apergi, M. (2020). The Global Impacts of an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. IASS Policy Brief, 2020(6).
Reports and further scientific publications
Apergi, M., Wilkinson, E., & Calderone, M.(2020). The ‘triple dividend’ of early warning systems. Evidence from Tanzania’s coastal areas. London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
Media articles, blog posts
Apergi, M. (2020). Realising the Transformative Potential of Decentralised Renewable Energy in Emergency Response. IASS Blog, 26.06.2020.